Our Core Values

We aim to be:
- Supportive to children, parents, staff and the wider school community as we work together to achieve improved outcomes for our children.
- A Happy place to play, learn, work and visit. We want children to enjoy being children and to have fun, as we encourage them to follow their own interests.
- Inclusive to every child and family, as we endeavour to reduce the barriers to learning and promote an inclusive environment, providing equality of opportunity.
- Nurturing towards all, as we ensure the safeguarding, care and well-being of the children underpins all aspects of the curriculum. We regard personal, social and emotional development as the foundation for all areas of learning.
- Empowering, as we provide opportunities for children to feel confident to try new challenges and make informed choices and decisions that will promote their well-being.
Monkstown Nursery School, Jennings Park, Monkstown, Newtownabbey, BT37 0NB | 028 9086 1459