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Monkstown Nursery School, Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Our Curriculum


Pupils in Monkstown Nursery School are taught through the DENI guidance for preschool education which highlights the following areas of learning as follows:

 Language and Literacy Development;
 Early Mathematical Experiences;
 The Arts;
 Personal Social and Emotional Development;
 Physical Development and Movement;
 The World Around Us.

Through planning, sensitive support and involvement, careful observation and record keeping, we aim to provide a rich variety of stimulating play experiences, where the children are challenged and their learning is extended in all areas of their development

As the revised preschool Curricular Guidance states:
“As all children are different and develop at different rates, pre-school education aims to develop the whole child by:
• promoting emotional, social, physical, creative and intellectual development;
• developing self-esteem, self-control and positive attitudes towards others;
• developing language and communication skills to encourage the sharing of thoughts and feelings; and
• creating confident, eager, enthusiastic, independent, curious learners with a positive and problem-solving attitude to learning.”